As always, I have had a few things to update on here, surrogacy related and otherwise. I'm having trouble trying to eloquently preface this post (thank you, baby brain 😅) So I'll just go ahead and dive right in.
About a month ago, over Father's Day weekend, the guys were gracious enough to invite us out to their neck of the woods for their baby shower. I cannot adequately describe how wonderful of an experience that was. Personally, I tend to get hung up on how good of a first impression I tend to make on people. I see myself as a normal-ish but awkward person so I was honestly a little nervous knowing we were going to be meeting so many new people at such an important get-together. On top of that, I was about 32 weeks along and a little nervous at how flying would affect my little belly buddy's desire to stay where she's at.
Thankfully, my concerns quickly became non-issues. It was wonderful to get to see the guys again and beyond heartwarming to meet the family/friends that love and support both these two new dads I've grown a friendship with as well as the little girl they are expecting 💗. The joy, warmth and love we saw and were shown from everyone was beyond words. The weekend flew by and both mom and I went home a smidge tired but with our hearts darn near full.
As far as the pregnancy goes since I last updated this, things continue to go quite smoothly. Baby girl had a few more ultrasounds to ensure she was growing well and healthy and she continues to pass through each check up with assurance of little concern for any foreseeable issues once she makes her arrival. I'm currently on the brink of 36 weeks and am feeling quite pregnant now. Between the heat, my size and being the mother I need to be for my wild child, I'm generally just plain tired. Any other symptoms have been fairly minimal except for the heartburn which I've gotten a little creative at curbing. All-in-all, I feel pretty dang lucky at how smooth everything continues to go.
I never really realized until this afternoon, but as of today, I am officially one year from having officially started my journey as a surrogate. I remember finally putting my doubts away on how I was questioning if I would even qualify to be a surrogate and taking the plunge, never thinking I would be where I am now a year later. Never once have I felt like I shouldn't have made this decision and I am grateful that I have the health that I do to be able to do this. Surrogacy has brought more love into my heart than I had ever anticipated and I'm beginning to see the impact it is having on my son as well. I get questions from people about how he is "handling" it and its safe to say he has a solid understanding of what is going on. He politely corrects unknowing people when they refer to Baby A as his little sister or anything along those lines. He will tell me every once in a while that there is a baby in his tummy as well and that he is keeping it safe for his friend. I've started to mention, too, that the guys will be here shortly to await the arrival of their little one and he will gush to me about how excited he is to see them. Armin was one of my biggest concerns about going into this experience so I am relieved to see how he has come to understand this process as much as a 4 year old can.
Looking forward, we have roughly 4 weeks until this little girl is expected to arrive.
How. In. Theee. Hell. Has that happened??
DJ & JP will be making their way to the midwest in a couple weeks to be on "baby watch". Though she's shown no signs of wanting to make an early escape, I will be able to breathe much easier (figuratively, maybe not actually so much with the belly 😉) once I know they will be close enough to be present for her birth. From there on out it will be waiting for B-day! As always, keep your fingers crossed for more smooth sailing for all of us!