Last week, after working a string of night shifts, I was tiredly playing with Armin when I got an email from my matching coordinator through IARC.
She had found potential parents for me to surrogate for!
Just reading the title of the email had me beside myself. I opened the email and skimmed through (seeing that they had written a two page bio about themselves and included some pictures of them). Out of respect for my time with Armin, I mustered the self control to wait to read the bio/email until after he went to bed that night. Once I finally had the time to, I sat down and read their bio.
(For respect for their privacy, I want to keep their names personal until I've run it by them). They are have been married for 3 years now and are very active and family oriented. They were both raised by single mothers and both still live close to their families. They have pets and love to bike together and one of them even does a "Big/Little Brother" mentoring-type of program. Their views on parenting align well with my own and they have similar desires toward staying in contact throughout the pregnancy and after. Also, they want a twin pregnancy and would like to transfer before the end of the year.
Holy cats! This is perfect and...say what?! I might potentially be helping them out this soon? I know I was antsy to get this ball rolling but, my stars, I thought I'd have more hoops to jump through (which I do) to get to that point.
Reading up on their personalities and relationship as well as their parenting goals really allowed this all to sink in more with me. These could be the guys I will be helping out. I have more of a palpable way of imagining my goal of helping others create a family.
And they seem downright - wonderful -. 😊
So now we move on to a little getting to know you phone call. Which will occur in approximately 2 hours.
I had every ambition of waking up early, getting a good run in, showering and being ready for this call by then.
Currently, I have been awake for roughly an hour, have yet to even drink my coffee and am typing this as I sit slovenly on the couch 😬 Guess that's a more realistic expectation of how energetic I would be after working the weekend.
I've looked through some of the questions the coordinator will be going through with me and I'm not really concerned about preparing for anything. They're all pretty straight-forward and ones that I can easily answer being my genuine self. Here are a few examples:
-Why are you wanting to be a surrogate and how does your partner (if applicable) feel about you doing this?
-Who do you consider your support system through this and what is their reaction to this?
-My pregnancy history, the doctor I intend to see here for my pregnancy.
-Lifestyle changes I intend to make throughout the pregnancy as well as the intended parent's expected lifestyle changes of me throughout the pregnancy.
-Expected amount of contact from each parties during and after pregnancy.
-The clinic and the number of embryos they intend to transfer (and how I feel about that number).
-How both parties feel about genetic testing, selective reduction (should the embryos unintentionally split and make even more babies), and thoughts on termination if the baby is deemed to have any terminal or otherwise detrimental genetic issues.
I have a feeling this will be a bit of a whirlwind of a phone call with how broad those questions span.
But those are very important things well all need to square away and make sure are understood if we are going to go ahead with this journey together.
I'm more nervous about making a good first impression on the potential dads.
I do believe I'm not the greatest at making first impressions. I can be a little awkward and not the greatest conversationalist so I just hope I don't come off the wrong way to them in a few hours.
So here I sit, just waiting and still trying to get the motivation to do much else with myself right now 😅. I'll keep you all posted on how this call goes!
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