Thursday, October 18, 2018

Another Step Forward

We have taken another step toward transfer!
They have officially cleared me during the mock week early, too!
A huge sigh of relief came over me once I got the confirmation email from SDFC (San Diego Fertility Center, the clinic that will be performing the transfer). I wasn't too terribly worried that my uterine lining and blood levels would be of desired condition to sustain a pregnancy. However, as each day passes I have a stronger sense that I will do whatever I reasonably can to make this work for DJ and JP (the dads 😊) and the babies, as well as for Armin and I.
I just don't want to mess this up in any way.
As a true reflection of my Millenial status: I am 100% Team Babies.
So now that the mock cycle has been successful, we wait for a few final tests to come back and I await the arrival of what is the law binding contract between myself and the guys: the Gestational Carrier Agreement (GCA).
Which I received, with much anticipation, today.
Myyyyyyyy goodness, this thing is a bit daunting.
I had nursing school books thinner than this thing (I may have exaggerated a bit) but nonetheless I will be reading through this bad boy tonight. JP and DJ warned me that it was quite the document so I can't say I didn't have a clue what was coming. I just get a little intimidated by legal documents. My knowledge of many legal things is quite limited and I find the whole process of going through lawyers/courts intimidating.
So far, it all seems pretty much as I would imagine. I agree that I am in this to help THEM have their babies, not for myself to receive babies that I would deem my own. They agree that they will not try for more than the agreed amount of embryos to be transferred. I agree to remain healthy and not to make any decisions that would harm the babies when I am pregnant. And so forth. As a legal document, it has to bring up certain scenarios that seem a bit off the wall/unlikely but need to be discussed regardless. Just think of any worst-case scenario type thing and know that while I usually have a solid handle on any anxiety I experience, I do get a little anxious reading at some of the things this document discusses. What really got me was that they have to have a living will signed before the transfer date and, likewise, I have to have one sometime around the middle of the pregnancy. That's how in-depth and slightly morbid this thing gets.
Regardless, I have full faith in all of this.
I am only about 1/4 through reading this thing so there may be some surprises later on in the document but I had to come up for a breath from reading it. So I decided to update this 😉.
My goal is to finish reading this tonight/tomorrow and get things set in stone as soon as reasonably/responsibly possible. These are the last "hoops" that we have to jump through before we can start talking transfer date.
I'm so ready for this.

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